Corporate Crime + Compliance + Investigations
No risk, more fun!
As a highly specialized team, we support our clients in minimizing individual and business-related risks and in complying with statutory requirements. If potential compliance violations may have occurred, we draw on our strategic experience to help them navigate safely through the crisis. Whenever necessary, we also defend our clients’ interests in criminal or administrative offence proceedings in the fields of corporate and fiscal-criminal law.
Wissen und Erfahrung sind der größte Steuervorteil.
Ob wachstumsorientiertes Startup, Hidden Champion oder globaler Großkonzern: steuerlich muss immer alles passen. Dafür sorgen wir bei YPOG. Mit einem Team aus Steuerberater:innen, Tax Specialists sowie Fonds- und Transaktionsexperten:innen lösen wir hochkomplexe Steuerfragen und gehen dabei nicht nur gewissenhaft vor, sondern auch schnell. Damit unsere Mandanten:innen unternehmerisch sofort durchstarten können.
Crisis as a challenge? Our comfort zone!
We support our clients in identifying and eliminating existing compliance risks and preventing new ones from arising in the first place. We examine our clients’ current compliance set-up and develop customized compliance-management systems for them.
In the case of alleged compliance violations, we establish the facts in an efficient, precise and confidential manner and use our expertise to guide our clients through the next steps:
from possible cooperations with the relevant authorities, enforcing of claims against third parties, internal stakeholder management, and mitigating the risk of third-party claims and sanction risks, to defending them in any proceedings involving potential administrative or criminal offences.
Corporate Crime
The fact that corporate activity is being increasingly regulated also leads to clients facing heightened risks of becoming the target of allegations or investigations by public authorities. Such proceedings often cause significant disquiet within the companies concerned and for the individuals involved who find themselves targeted by investigative authorities. With our ample experience derived from a great number of criminal and administrative proceedings , we are well-versed in safeguarding and defending our clients’ interests in the best way possible.
Taking advantage of our network of competent colleagues in Germany and abroad, we are able to organize and coordinate, wherever needed, the defense and representation of a multitude of persons concerned and/or in cross-border constellations.
Today, one of the most significant challenges faced by companies, their executive bodies and employees is the ever-changing legal and regulatory environment. We assist our clients in identifying and understanding the applicable rules and help to implement them in a practicable manner. Especially with new requirements or draft laws still under discussion, we provide early advice on tailored implementation options for the respective company and the most effective ways to handle existing legal uncertainties. Our substantive focus is on preventive advice regarding criminal and administrative penalty risks, notably in the area of data protection, as well as regarding current ESG matters such as supply-chain compliance. We also resolve cross-border compliance issues for our clients, where appropriate by bringing on board our comprehensive network of highly qualified international colleagues.
Internal Investigations
In the event of potential violations of internal or external regulations, it may become necessary to investigate the facts to develop and implement legally sound measures for risk and damage minimization. We assist our clients in fully meeting their investigation and disclosure obligations.
With our extensive experience in complex, often cross-border matters, we conduct professional internal investigations using state-of-the-art eDiscovery solutions and coordinate internal and external stakeholders, including domestic and foreign regulatory and criminal authorities, third-party legal counsel, and potential claimants and defendants. Our goal is always to objectively and accurately clarify the facts, rectify deficiencies, and shield our clients from financial and reputational damage.
Meet your Team – Corporate Crime + Compliance + Investigations
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