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Paul Harenberg

Paul advises investors, start-ups, corporate venture capital units and other companies in formation and financing rounds, convertible loans, employee participation schemes (ESOP/VSOP) and exits as well as acquisitions and day-to-day corporate housekeeping.

Education and Career

Paul studied law in Frankfurt am Main and Milan. He completed his legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main with stations at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and the group legal division of Boehringer Ingelheim, among others.
Before joining YPOG, Paul worked for several years as a research assistant at Goethe-University's Chair of Private Law, Commercial and Business Law and Jurisprudence. Since 2022, he has been pursuing a doctoral project aiming to gauge the phenomenon of pro-social investors under stock corporation law. As part of this project, he completed a research stay at the University of Oxford (Jesus College).


  • Attorney at Law


  • German
  • English
  • Formal requirements for convertible loans and corporate law as an obstacle for venture capital contracting? - discussion of Higher Regional Court Zweibrücken 17 May 2022 - 8 U 30/19, NZG 2022, 1696,
    Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG) 2023, p. 211 et seq. [in German]
  • Discrimination in cross-border markets for football tickets,
    Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) 2021, p. 157 et seq. (together with Jannes Drechsler) [in German; abstract in English] 
  • The return of spectators to cultural and sporting events,
    Verbraucher und Recht (VuR) 2021, p. 297 et seq. (together with Jannes Drechsler) [in German]
  • Football Bundesliga tickets in light of the Corona crisis - Current aspects of securities law with special consideration of the secondary market,
    Zeitschrift für Sport und Recht (SpuRt) 2020, p. 241 et seq. (together with Jannes Drechsler) [in German]
  • Corporations for Future? - The functional purpose of the German stock corporation mirrored by the theory of the firm,
    Critical Quarterly for Legislation and Law (CritQ) 2019, p. 393 et seq. [in German; abstract in English and French]
Paul Harenberg

Direct message to Paul Harenberg