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Senior Associate

Dr. Wolfram Dickersbach


Wolfram mainly advises on all tax issues in the area of partnerships in domestic as well as cross-border cases. He focuses on structuring private equity and venture capital funds and advises them and their investors on all issues of national and international tax law.

Education and Career

Wolfram studied law at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, at Indiana University, Bloomington (USA) and at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. During his studies, Wolfram worked as a research assistant in the corporate and tax team of a medium-sized law firm and a major international law firm.

His legal clerkship included stints at the German Federal Ministry of Finance, the Hamburg tax authorities and the criminal tax department of the Hamburg public prosecutor's office.


  • German qualified attorney (Rechtsanwalt)
  • Dr. rer. pol. (University of Ulm) 
  • LL.M. (University of Cape Town)


  • German
  • English
Dr. Wolfram Dickersbach

Direct message to Dr. Wolfram Dickersbach