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Miriam Peer

Miriam provides advice on all matters of corporate law related to funds, corporations and growth-oriented companies. Her focus is on M&A and venture capital transactions.

Education and Career

Miriam studied law at the University of Heidelberg and University of Leeds, UK. Her legal training at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg included stints at a leading U.S. business litigation law firm and in the legal department of a global provider of wind energy solutions. Miriam is a doctoral candidate at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, where she also worked as a research assistant. During her doctorate, she was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley.


  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and Green Procurement in the EU - An overview and analysis of the implications of the planned CSDD Directive and the German Supply Chain Regulation,
    in: Public Procurement Law Review, 2024(1), 1-13
Miriam Peer

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