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Tax Specialist

Kai Henner Simoneit


Kai advises high-net-worth individuals, family offices, as well as medium-sized and large companies on all matters related to accounting, ongoing taxation, and tax structuring. His clients include, in particular, venture capital and private equity funds, as well as private and commercial investors.

Education and Career

After a two-year position as a working student in the field of taxation, Kai completed a dual study program at a medium-sized tax consulting firm. In addition to his practical training as a tax clerk, he earned his bachelor's degree in tax law at FOM University in Hanover.
He is currently continuing his academic career with a part-time LL.M. in Tax Sciences at the University of Münster.


  • Tax Assistant (Steuerfachangestellter)
  • LL.B. in Tax Law


  • German
  • English
Kai Henner Simoneit

Direct message to Kai Henner Simoneit