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Senior Associate

Dr. Christoph Lüttenberg

Christoph advises companies, shareholders as well as board members and managing directors on all matters of corporate law. His practice focuses on corporate litigation, arbitration, the transformation of companies as well as on German stock corporation law and the law of European stock corporations (SE).

Education and Career

Christoph studied law in Cologne and at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). He completed his practical training at the Berlin Higher Regional Court.


  • German qualified attorney (Rechtsanwalt)
  • Certified Corporate Attorney 
  • Ph.D. in law (Dr. iur.) (Cologne University)
  • Maîtrise en droit (Paris 1)
  • Business Mediator


  • German
  • English
  • French
  • No appeal (sofortige Beschwerde) against the appointment of a curator ad litem (Prozesspfleger) for a limited liability company
    Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 8/2025, p. 428 (together with Danêl Buchholz) [in German]
  • How Does the EU AI Act Apply to Arbitration?
    Daily Jus, 14 January 2025, Link: How Does the EU AI Act Apply to Arbitration? - Daily Jus (together with Ilka Beimel and Simon Heetkamp)
  • New obligations for arbitral tribunals under the EU AI Act?
    German Arbitration Journal (SchiedsVZ) 5/2024, p. 225 ff. (together with Ilka Beimel and Simon Heetkamp) [in German with English abstract]
  • Resolutions adopted in breach of competences – no nullity of shareholders' resolutions due to a violation of a voting agreement or a permanent breach of the articles of association (zustandsbegründende Satzungsdurchbrechung)
    Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 41/2024, p. 2956 ff. [in German]
  • Practical Legal Issues regarding the Formation and Governance of a monistic SE
    Die Aktiengesellschaft (AG) 2024, p. 569 f. (together with Matthias Schatz) [in German]
  • Exclusion of GmbH shareholders from voting in the event of claims against their own company; limits of the legal action for the positive determination of a resolution (positive Beschlussfeststellungsklage)
    EWiR 2/2024, p. 37 f. (together with Ferdinand Bordes) [in German]
  • Abandonment of the "conditional solution" in favor of the "liability solution" in the case of actions for exclusion against a shareholder of a limited liability company,
    Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 43/2023, p. 3169 f. (together with Jannis Fischer)
  • Extension of the scope of protection of relationship existing between the managing limited partner GmbH and its managing director (§ 43 (2) GmbHG) to the limited partnership
    Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG), 18/2023, p. 840 f. [in German]
  • Nullity of shareholders' resolutions due to a violation of a voting agreement
    GmbHR 09/2023, p. 455 f. [in German]
  • The appointment of a curator ad litem for the recipient of a third-party notice who is under legal disability
    Monatsschrift für deutsches Recht (MDR), 5/2023, p. 268 ff. (together with Matthias Schatz) [in German]
  • Consumption of the right to convene a shareholder's meeting under section 50 (3) of the German Limited Liability Companies Act (GmbHG)
    EWiR 23/2022, p. 708 f. (together with Elena Auksutat) [in German]
  • Reimbursement of costs and default damages under arbitration law
    German Arbitration Journal (SchiedsVZ), 06/2022, p. 315 ff. [in German]
  • Appointment of a curator ad litem in corporate disputes
    Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (NZG), 31/2022, p. 1473 ff. (together with Matthias Schatz) [in German]
  • Applicability of Art. 25 Brussels-la-VO to jurisdiction agreements of German partnerships with foreign general partners
    EWiR 21/2022, p. 670 f. (together with Matthias Schatz) [in German]
  • Requirements for a positive continuance prognosis in the context of the potential over-indebtedness of a start-up company
    GmbHR 2022, p. 974 ff. (together with Elena Auksutat) [in German]
  • No replacement of the shareholders' competence by actio pro socio when asserting claims against a third-party managing director
    EWiR 09/2022, p. 267 f.  [in German]
  • Legal entities and partnerships as special representatives within the meaning of section 147 (2) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
    Essays in honor of Thomas Heidel, 2021, pp. 713 et seqq. (together with Matthias Schatz) [in German]
  • On the Being of the Ought –  The legal entities in the legal phenomenology of Adolf Reinach
    Zeitschrift für rechtswissenschaftliche Forschung, 03/2020, p. 93 ff. [in German]
  • On the rationale, meaning and nature of possession
    Studien zum Zivilrecht [Studies in civil law], Nomos publishing house, 2020 - [in German]
Dr.  Christoph Lüttenberg

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