YPOG advises Atomico and Insight Partners on $31 million financing round of Y42 TransactionsPressNewsOctober 25, 2021
YPOG advises Delivery Hero on approx. $1 billion financing round of Gorillas TaxTransactionsCorporateIP/IT/Data ProtectionPressNewsOctober 19, 2021
YPOG advises FoodLabs on structuring new €100 million food tech fund Food Labs FundsPressNewsOctober 14, 2021
YPOG advises Draper Esprit on $ 50 million financing round of Schüttflix TransactionsPressNewsOctober 7, 2021
YPOG advises Allianz/AV8 Ventures on launch of second $180 million AV8 fund TaxFundsCorporatePressNewsOctober 1, 2021
YPOG advises Five Seasons Ventures on €40 million financing round of air up TransactionsCorporateIP/IT/Data ProtectionPressVenture CapitalSeptember 24, 2021
YPOG advises btov on structuring of second digital technologies fund TaxFundsTransactionsCorporatePressNewsSeptember 22, 2021
YPOG advises Hauck & Aufhäuser on the acquisition of Kapilendo Custodian TransactionsPressNewsSeptember 21, 2021