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„Law Firm of the Year 2023“



We help ideas become change.

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The Why behind the Y

Y + POG explainer video

At YPOG, we advise people with visionary ideas to reach a common goal: sustainable change. In enterprises, in industries, and in our society. This is made possible by our experts working as a team with our clients.

For we believe that a cooperation based on mutual appreciation is the foundation for our joint success. Specifically: excellent legal and commercial results.

We are YPOG. Partners of Gamechangers.


Your Team

Antonia von Treuenfeld
Dr. Jannik Zerbst
Simone Hecht
Sylwia Luszczek
Lukas Engels

From private equity to crypto: successful funds require a strong legal foundation and advice with foresight. YPOG combines the two.

Your Team

Dr. Martin Schaper
Alexander Sekunde
Florian Bacher
Dr. Johannes Janning
Dr. Emma Peters

We are experts in the field of alternative investments, especially for private equity and venture capital. Or, to put it differently: when it comes to providing visionary ideas with the financial leeway to enable sustainable change.

Your Team

Dr. Matthias Schatz
Laura Franke
Dr. Stephan Bank
Pia Meven
Dr. Benjamin Ullrich

Whether growth companies, funds or family offices, or multinationals – we have our clients’ back in their transactions or legal disputes involving corporate law. To enable them to concentrate on their core business.

Your Team

Dr. Benedikt Flöter
Dr. Sebastian Schödel
Dr. Leonie Hartz
Ferdinand Bordes
Dr.  Christoph  Lüttenberg

Legal proceedings or out-of-court settlement:
thanks to our many years of experience, we quickly find the right way to safeguard the interests of our clients – and also to enforce them of course.

Your Team

Barbara Klawiter
Jann Fiedler
Katja Risse
Alexandra Streit
Dr. Lilly Fiedler

Notary services at YPOG. Individual advice and support for solutions regarding corporate law and real estate law that are customized and provide legal certainty.

Your Team

Thomas Tüllmann
Dr. Niklas Ulrich
Dr. David John
Dr. Anika Patz
Dr. Carola Rathke

The re­gu­la­to­ry en­vi­ron­ment for ban­king and fi­nan­ci­al ser­vice pro­vi­ders as well as for in­vest­ment firms is com­plex and de­ve­lo­ping ra­pidly - not least dri­ven by the ad­van­cing di­gi­ta­liza­t­i­on of busi­ness mo­dels. The­re­fo­re, it is good when com­pa­nies ha­ve a part­ner at their si­de who - to­ge­ther with them - iden­ti­fies and sei­zes op­por­tu­nities.

Your Team

Stefan Richter
Dr. Frederik Gärtner
Dr. Ferdinand Cadmus
Dr. Dajo Sanning
Lukas Schmitt

If you want to chan­ge the ga­me, you need a part­ner who not on­ly un­der­stands the ru­les, but re­wri­tes them. And in do­ing so, com­bi­nes le­gal know-how with de­ep tech­no­lo­gi­cal un­der­stan­ding.

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“Diversity is as multifaceted as life itself - just like YPOG. Here you can just be yourself and therefore be the way you feel and just as unique as every person is!
Our queer initiative, for example, has created great exchange formats that make YPOG an open and inclusive workplace where everyone is welcome!”